Major: Agricultural Systems Management; and Agricultural Economics
Minor: Farm Management; Food & Agribusiness Management; and Organizational Leadership
Noah Berning is a senior at Purdue dual majoring in Agricultural Systems Management and Agricultural Economics, with minors in Farm Management; Food and Agribusiness Management; and Organizational Leadership.
Noah hails from the small town of Monroeville, Indiana and is a first generation college student. Noah has been involved in various different student organizations on campus during his collegiate career. He is currently serving as the Purdue InterFraternity Council President, and is a member of the Agriculture Future of America Student Advisory Team. Additionally, Noah serves as a College of Agriculture and Agriculture and Biological Engineering Ambassador. Previously, Noah served as the Vice President of Recruitment and Chapter President for FarmHouse Fraternity, and served on the Purdue Grand Prix Senior Board as the Director of Facilities. Noah also currently serves as an Undergraduate Research Assistant in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering department, and is conducting undergraduate research in the Department of Agriculture Economics.
Noah plans to pursue a Master's Degree in Agricultural Systems Management following graduation, with future aspirations to be involved in the Agriculture Machinery sector.